Welcome to Teen Violence Statistics

teen violence

Statistics show youth violence is becoming a huge problem throughout the world. The purpose of this website is to help educate the public on teenage violence issues; such as gang violence, school shootings, school bullying, anger issues, date rape, and more. Our goal is to help teens, families, and communites get the education and help they need to prevent teen violence. This site offers information on how to seek therapy or treatment for teens and families who are suffering from teen violence issues or abuse. By learning about the causes of teen violence and what each of us can do to help prevent this type of abuse we can help our communities be a safer place.

Cycle of Violence
The cycle of violence is something that is devastating to many families and different types of relationships. In the cycle of violence, individuals that are exposed to violence will often become violent to others in the future based on this psychological cycle.
Date Rape
What is date rape? This article defines date rape and discusses date rape drugs and how date rape drugs work. Learn ways to reduce a teen's risk of becoming a victim of date rape, how to help a victim of date rape, and what to do if you are a victim of date rape.
School Shootings
According to school violence statistics, school shooting incidents have increased dramatically. This article contains some statistics on school shootings, a profile of people who have participated in school shootings, and tips on what to do about school violence.
Teenage Violence Prevention
Teenage violence prevention includes home, school, and community. Learn what factors are common amongst violent teenagers and a list of things parents can do to help prevent youth violence and help their teen avoid involvement in adolescent violence.
School Shooting Statistics
School shooting statistics indicate while school shootings have taken the spot light in American media, school shootings have occurred in public institutions of learning for decades. School shooting statistics show that school violence is often attributed to cases of bullying among students.