Welcome to Teen Violence Statistics

teen violence

Statistics show youth violence is becoming a huge problem throughout the world. The purpose of this website is to help educate the public on teenage violence issues; such as gang violence, school shootings, school bullying, anger issues, date rape, and more. Our goal is to help teens, families, and communites get the education and help they need to prevent teen violence. This site offers information on how to seek therapy or treatment for teens and families who are suffering from teen violence issues or abuse. By learning about the causes of teen violence and what each of us can do to help prevent this type of abuse we can help our communities be a safer place.

Media and Teen Violence
Whether or not media and teen violence are related is a long debated issue. This article looks at different types of media and how each affects children including TV, the Internet, music, and video games. Get statistics on media and teen violence here.
Teen Anger Issues
If you have a troubled teen with anger issues you must read this article. Find out what may trigger or cause teen anger issues, ways teens may express their anger, and some possible consequences if you let teen anger issues go unresolved including violence, depression, and more.
School Safety
Providing a safe environment for children at school requires a number of school safety programs. This article discusses school bullies and the threat they pose to school safety, tips on reducing bullying in schools, and increasing safety at school.
Teen Violence Awareness
Teen violence awareness is emphasized on the national and local levels by groups large and small, making teen violence a topic that teens and others have more information about and are equipped to deal with. Learn about teen violence awareness events and programs.
Sibling Abuse Statistics
While sibling rivalry seems like a perfectly normal part of growing up, recent sibling abuse statistics show that sometimes that rivalry gets taken too far among siblings. Sibling abuse statistics show that about half of all kids take that abuse too far both physically and emotionally.