Sibling Abuse Statistics

While sibling rivalry seems like a perfectly normal part of growing up, recent sibling abuse statistics show that sometimes that rivalry gets taken too far among siblings. Sibling abuse statistics show that about half of all kids take that abuse too far both physically and emotionally.

According to recent sibling abuse statistics, about 53 percent of children report abuse between brothers and sisters. Compared with adults who abuse their children this number is statistically higher. If this kind of sibling abuse were seen outside the family, then it would typically be classified as assault. So what makes sibling rivalry and abuse okay inside the home? Many parents see their children fighting and assume they will grow out of the phase. However, many cases of sibling rivalry or sibling abuse are taken too far physically resulting in injuries as well as occasional sexual assaults. Other types of sibling rivalry take an emotional toll on the child and can last well into adulthood and potentially scar them for life. That is why it is so important for parents to recognize that their children's sibling rivalry might be a little more serious than they first thought, and should take active steps to stop the situations among siblings from escalating. 

How to Identify Sibling Abuse:

According to many sibling abuse statistics, the typical abuser in a sibling rivalry situation is the older child and is most often between sisters and brothers. Based on what these sibling abuse statistics have reported, it is a good idea to be aware of the signs that sibling abuse is going too far. First, you need to identify the behavior and put a stop to it. Even if your children are simply bickering over what TV show to watch, this is the best time to teach them about conflict resolution and how to compromise without having to fight even over little arguments. It is also important to address the issues before they get taken too far. While it may seem like a simple argument, emotions among children can quickly get out of hand and should be addressed before the situation becomes physical. 

Regardless of age, it is important to teach your children that physical abuse of any kind is never okay. It is not okay to bite, hit, smack, kick, etc. anyone. If this behavior is condoned in the home, then your children might not be able to differentiate between what is right and wrong outside the home. Violent issues such as these in school or on the playground can result in severe consequences for the children involved. It is also not a good idea to allow physical violence among children even if it seems harmless because these are traits they will carry with them into adulthood. According to many sibling abuse statistics, many children that engage in sibling abuse in their youth are more likely to be prone to violence as an adult. This might include domestic violence, assault and other cases of violence. 

Verbal abuse is also an area parents need to be on the look out for when it comes to altercations between their children. Sometimes emotional abuse can be more damaging long term to the victim than in comparison to physical abuse. A good way to determine if the verbal abuse is too much is to determine if it was said in an effort to tear the other person down. If the answer is yes, then it is an abuse comment. Parents need to put a stop to it instead of allowing the verbal abuse from getting too far. 

Resolving Sibling Abuse:

Many children that suffered from sibling abuse are more likely to participate in addictive behaviors and self-destructive behaviors, according to recent sibling abuse statistics. They might also exhibit behaviors of self-injury, suicide attempts or threats, aberrant sexual behavior and even prostitution. Sibling abuse statistics also show that those abused by siblings during their childhood are also more aggressive, disruptive, hyperactive, impulsive and negative. Because these negative behaviors can be life changing in the worst way, it is so important for parents to take an active stand against this type of aggressive and emotionally disparaging behavior before it gets too far. This includes addressing the issue head on by talking about it each and every time the situations arise between your children. Establish consequences for poor behaviors. Help the children in learning to work out situations together toward a positive goal. Don't ignore or blame the victim. Be sure to get both sides of the story. Make sure and monitor future altercations between your children. It is also a good idea to help your children learn to manage their anger so these situations don't get taken to a violent level. 


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