Teen Dating Violence Quiz

Teen dating violence is alarmingly common, but it may be hard to spot. This teen dating violence quiz can help teens and concerned friends and family members recognize if a teen may be in danger of dating violence. Think someone you love may be a victim of dating violence? Take this quiz.

Though as many as one in three teens may be a victim of teen dating violence, not all teens or their friends or family members recognize when there is a problem in a teen's relationship. Teens often lack experience with relationships and may not realize that their's is unhealthy and could lead to emotional or physical harm or even death. Teens also may not tell friends or family members about dating violence, especially if they are afraid or if they want to be loyal to their boy or girlfriend. Teen dating violence can happen to teens of any gender, ethnicity, or social or economic background. Take this teen dating violence quiz to learn more.

Teens may be in danger of teen dating violence if they or their friends or family members can answer yes to any of the following questions in our teen violence dating quiz.

Does their boy or girlfriend:

  • Get jealous when they talk to or spend time with other people?
  • Try to control what they wear, what they do, and who they can spend time with?
  • Keep them from spending time with their friends or family or doing things that they enjoy?
  • Require them to be in constant contact, always calling or texting to check up on them?
  • Frequently accuse them of things they did not do?
  • Commit very early in the relationship, wanting to be exclusive and/or saying he or she is in love after a very short time?
  • Pressure or force them to do things they don't want to do, especially involving intimacy and sex?
  • Use emotions to manipulate other people, such as pouting when they don't get their way or saying "If you really loved me, you would _______"?
  • Refuse to take responsibility for his or her feelings and actions, like shoving the teen and then saying it's the teen's fault for making them angry?
  • Use or abuse drugs or alcohol?
  • Often act angry or moody?
  • Say mean things to the teen or make fun of them?
  • Engage in very rough or dominating types of play with the teen, like holding them down or wrestling them into submission?
  • Act violent or aggressive when angry, such as yelling, hitting, or throwing things?
  • Harm or threaten to harm other people or animals?
  • Threaten to harm themselves if the teen doesn't do what they want?
  • Have a personal or family history of violence or criminal behavior?

Since starting the relationship, has the teen:

  • Frequently acted sad or depressed?
  • Developed low self esteem?
  • Withdrawn from friends and family?
  • Given up activities they once enjoyed?
  • Started doing poorly in school?
  • Made a lot of changes to please their boy or girlfriend?
  • Become very dependant on the boy or girlfriend?
  • Frequently apologized to their boy or girlfriend to keep them from getting angry?
  • Made excuses for the boy or girlfriend's behavior, especially blaming themselves for it?
  • Started using drugs or alcohol?
  • Gotten pregnant?
  • Had injuries they can't explain, or an unusual number of accidents?

Teens who answered yes to any of these teen dating violence quiz questions should try talking to an adult they can trust, like a family member, school counselor, or doctor, about their relationship. They may need help learning about healthy relationships and avoiding dating violence. Teens also may need help getting away from a dangerous relationship, and there are people who can help them do so safely, like local police, health care professionals, or domestic teen violence prevention centers.

After taking this teen dating violence quiz, if friends or family members are concerned about a teen's relationship, they should try to talk to the teen about their concerns. They can't force the teen to end their relationship, but they can remind the teen that other people care about them and that they have the right to be safe, happy, and respected in a relationship. The teen may not want to listen, but keep talking to the teen and showing them love, concern, and support, and encouraging them to get help if needed.

If a teen is in serious or immediate danger from dating violence or abuse, call a community domestic violence prevention center or the police for help.


Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence, "Dating Violence" [online]

ABC News, "Teen Dating Violence: Warning Signs" [online]

Oprah.com, "Warning Signs of Teen Dating Abuse" [online]

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